I moved out to Western Canada in 2013. Although I moved out here for work (IT, not photography), I am passionate about wildlife and nature photography, and the opportunities to pursue this passion are much more abundant here than back east. The reason I bring this up is that I have noticed that the best photographers I know, either through their work or personally, are passionate about what they shoot. They also usually have a chosen specialty, not just general photography. Whether it be landscapes, portraits, wildlife, etc, the one common thread is that they have a passion for their chosen genre and they work nonstop to get better at it. Each type of photography requires a different subset of skills to achieve the best results. These results are only achieved by countless hours honing your craft, finding out what works and what doesn't, and never giving up. For example, I don't like setting my alarm for 3 or 4 AM, just so I can be shooting at first daylight, or not getting home until late in the evening because I am looking for wildlife at dusk. But that is the price you pay for getting that rare perfect shot. Fortunately, those shots come just frequently enough now to keep me driven, but it never comes easy. I see a lot of people take up nature/wildlife photography, and give up soon after, because they don't realize the amount of work and time involved to get good at it, and they get frustrated by their lack of results. It is almost like a second job for people who have the passion, but it shows in their results. However, it takes time and patience to get there. There are no shortcuts. But if you are passionate about your chosen genre, believe me, you will eventually succeed in it and get great results. Happy shooting!!